On Tuesday for our family night, we took our kids to the local pumpkin patch. They had so much fun picking out their pumpkins. It was the funnest atmosphere.I think it was funner than selecting a pumpkin from the grocery store by far and the memories of going to the actual pumpkin patch will be ones that stick. It will definately be a yearly tradition for us.
I loved the time to take fun pictures of my children, it was so much fun. They grow up so fast.
My kids are really looking forward to Halloween this year. Landon is going to be a zombie, Logan a vampire, and Dylan a dragon. I found the funnest dragon costume at the DI for $8.00. ( and it is warm)
I couldn't pass it up for that price.
Logan was finally old enough this year to play soccer, and loved the whole season. He got really into playing the guard and the goalie. He was excited to get a soccer trophy.
Landon was way above the benchmark on his dibels testing and I am very proud of him for doing a great job in school.
He has also been playing piano now for about a year and has really taken off. I told him that at the rate he is going, it won't be long before he outplays me.
We had a great summer this year. We started it out just before school ended by taking our kids to Disneyland, then we had a fun camping trip with some good friends, we had a fun 4th of july at the kids carnival in Willard, my kids bounced at the bounce houses and tried out mutton busting for the first time on the 24th of July. We went to several parades & fireworks.
In August Terry went on a guys camping trip and I took my kids to the stargazing party at the American West Heritage Center. We had a blast. My kids were so good for me that night and it was really fun to take them. I think it will be a great memory. At the star party, my kids got to play games in the glow in the dark carnival, they rode ponies, made crafts and went on a star gazing treasure hunt. We also were able to go to our county fair.
In September I enjoyed a 3 day girls weekend at Bear Lake with some of my best friends. We went to womens conference, did crafts, stayed up late talking & watching chick flicks, went to an ice cave and just had a good time relaxing.
Terry just got back from a deer hunting trip and now I wish I could say life was going to slow down a little, but with the holidays coming, I don't expect that to happen.
I guess it is good to be busy in life, and we certainly are :)