Logan has been curious about everything lately, he has asked what germs look like, if blind people can sleep, what our brains look like and how do we think with them- just to name a few.
This morning he was looking at his skin and said to me- mom Dylan and I have the same kind of skin. (I'm assuming he meant color) I said yes you do. Then he said mom you & I have the same kind of skin, except yours has polka dots. I started to laugh when I realized he meant my freckles.
I told him that those are called freckles and you get them when the sun kisses you. I told him that he will probably get more when he is out in the sun. He looked at my arm again and said whoa you have a lot of sun kisses!!! Why did the sun give you so many kisses?
I had to explain that you just get them when you are out in the sun.
I love his curiosity lately, he wants to know about everything, how everything works, and why it does it.
This is such a precious stage in their lives. I just wish that we would stay that eager to learn all of our lives. It is kind of sad that people have to lose that innocence and eagerness that children have.
Logan makes me smile all the time with the cute things he says.
Life has been good for us, Landon is now officially out of school for the summer, and is really looking forward to the break. He did really well in school this year and I am really proud of him.
On his last math assessment he got 100%. He loves numbers and math.
He has been taking piano lessons and has come a long way in 7 months.
Logan also just finished preschool and is looking forward to going to Kindergarten next year.
I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Sometimes I feel like the time I have with them is slipping away.
Dylan loves to be just like his older brothers and thinks he can do everything that they do.
He goes down big slides head first, gets in on the wrestling action whenever he sees his brothers and Dad wrestling. Sometimes he even appears to have the advantage! He acts like he is sword fighting with a light saber etc. You can pretty much find him anywhere his brothers are.
Terry has been trying to do more hiking lately and wants to start mountain biking as soon as the weather dries out.
I have been busy being a mom. I have been trying to get more organized and do spring cleaning.
It is amazing how much junk you discover when you start going through it.
We just got back from Disneyland the first of this month and we had a blast- it was really nice to spend time with my little family, without the normal distractions of everyday life. It was just about
"US" time.
I will have to do a more detailed post about our trip.
We have a lot of fun things planned for the summer and are looking forward to spending some time in the sun ( To get sun kisses ) and together.
I hope all of your summers are filled with good times and memories in the making.